Target x Parade
Target x Parade
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Content Guide
Talking Points
- NEW underwire bra’s! 2 new styles in 3 different colorways with smart sizing available! Review the size chart before you purchase.
- Silky mesh is now available at Target
- Bodysuits! Bodysuits! Bodysuits! (that aren’t sheer 😉)
- Where to purchase: In-store or online!
- Exclusive styles only available at Target
- The same exclusive sizing & price point you love!

- NEW underwire bra’s! 2 new styles in 3 different colorways with smart sizing available! Review the size chart before you purchase.
- Silky mesh is now available at Target
- Bodysuits! Bodysuits! Bodysuits! (that aren’t sheer 😉)
- Where to purchase: In-store or online!
- Exclusive styles only available at Target
- The same exclusive sizing & price point you love!
How to Create Great Content:
Inspiration from other Parade Friends
Deliverables & Due Dates
Find a Target store with Parade product near you:
Check the map below to see all Target locations with parade product to locate a store near you.
A total reimbursement of $40 is available for your entire Parade order— including shipping!
Once you confirm your participation, all links, key dates, and content direction will be shared with you directly to your email.
Connect with the Parade team to be removed from the Parade x Target partnership by sending a DM to on Instagram.
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